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Alumni News

[Class of 2014] RISTIYANA Aris N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2016.05.09 00:00
  • Views : 1031




RISTIYANA Aris, a graduate from the class of 2014 PSPS Alumni, has recently been promoted to Manager of Administration at Manado research institute, Ministry of Environment and Forestry Republic of Indonesia. He majored in Forest Resources and Ecological Restoration at the PSPS.


His main duties include : planning the activity of administration division, distributing the tasks to the staff, preparing the policy formula of operational plan, evaluating the job performed by the staff and reporting the implementation of tasks.


He said there is some relevance between his current duties and his study in PSPS. He thought he got a lot of knowledge when he was studying in Korea, not only about Forestry; which has been his expertise, but also about leadership, which he had never learnt before. He also believes that Korea has become one of the developed countries in the world due to the great leadership initiated by the Mr. Park Chung Hee, the former President of Korea.


He said Saemaul spirit is one aspect of the knowledge he got at PSPS in Korea, which he has applied to his work since his return in the Environment and Forestry Ministry, Republic of Indonesia.


In the future, he hopes he can contribute more to his country and society in which he lives and works.




-Mafor in Forest Resources and Ecological Restoration

-Degree received : Master of Science (MS) (2015.08.21)

-Thesis title : Changes of Gender Role Due to Climate Change in Reducing Poverty and Protecting Livelihood in Mountainous Ecosystem at Solok District, West Sumatera and Forest Coummunity of Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, West Java in Indonesia

-Current Position : Manager of Administration in Research and Development Center of Environment and Forestry in Manado, North Sulawesi Province, Republic of Indonesia