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[Notification] Special Lecture: Mr. LIM Hyoung-Joon (Head of UN N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2017.05.22 13:40
  • Views : 1329

The  special lecture regarding Word Food Programme & Saemaul Spirit will be deliverd. This lecture will deepen your understanding of Saemaul Spirit and UN projects . Those students who have registered for the " Understanding of Saemaul Spirit" class (Prof. LEE, Jeong-Ju)  & Saemaul B (KOICA) students have to attend. (MANDATORY)


Lecturer : Mr. LIM, Hyoung-Joon

 * Head of UN World Food Programme (WFP) Korea Office

 * MPA(Master of Public Administration) from J.F.Kennedy School of Government, Havard University.

When : 2017. 5. 26.(Fri.)  14:00 ~ 16:00

Where : Classroom 307


** Those who have an activity class then, please take the other  activity class in the morning.

   (Earlier activity class of the  same professor)