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PSPS Internship Notice N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2022.08.02 15:09
  • Views : 2241

1. Working Period: September 2022 ~ February 2023 


2. Working Hours: Monday to Friday within 54 hours per months, within 15 hours per week

Working hours can be chagned from Jaunuary depending on 2023 minimum wage


*Lounge : 14:00PM~17:00PM

*PC LAB : 9:00AM~12PM/1PM~5PM


3. Duties: Helping students at the place, Assistance for PSPS office and etc.


4. Salary: 9,160won (2022 Minimum wage) x Working hours =  [Within 500,000won]

 Ex)9,160x54Hours = 494,640won (o)

    9,160x55hours = 503,800won(x)

5. Please send the Application form and Curriculum Vitae(Free form) by 17 August ,10AM (wjdekdms48@ynu.ac.kr)


*Daegu and Mungyeong scholarship students are selected first 

6. We’ll have an interview on 24 August 

7. You’ll work from 1 September