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POint related INcenTive Program N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2020.03.23 00:00
  • Views : 868


POint related INcenTive Program


(Point Based Reward Program)


PSPS will start point program on 23rd March.


POINT program Background and purpose
Lack of guidance on the control of Noncommittal attitude of students at PSPS to attend school related activities and other events
Encourage students of PSPS to participate in the educational activities and other extracurricular events
To guide the selection of special award recipients during the graduation ceremony
Based on the POINT program, It can be used to select a special award winner for a degree ceremony.

How to operate a POINT program
Target period of point program: admission of new students every school year ~ end of January next year
Point Incentive Budget: Annual budget will be allocated at the beginning of each academic year
How to assign points
- Basic points per person for admission (
20 points
- Added points and deducted points

Additional points
 +2 points: Participation and Presentation in the external academic conferences (SEMINARs), invitation of ambassadors from countries, etc. Submission of papers for Publication
 +1 : Direct participation such as volunteer work for students, presentation at major events, etc.
Deduction point

 -2: Nonattendance of  various school programs without genuine reason
-1: Late attendance at various programs and leaving at room during events,
    Unpaid Student Council membership fees and healthcare fees, etc.
If necessary, the committee decides on a separate addition or deduction.

How to calculate point incentives
- Calculation of the amount per point: Total budget
÷ student's total score of acquisition = amount per 1 point
-. Individual amount calculation: Amount per 1 point x student acquisition point = amount per person
-. Other things: If the total score of individual acquisition is negative, calculate it as 0 point and cut it in 100 won unit.

Example) 3 million won in total budget, 376 points in total earned by “A student”, 14 points for “A students”.
Pointer Prize per 1point: 3,000,000 ÷ 376 = 7,978 won
“A Student” Individual Prize Money: 7,978 won x 14 points = 111,690 won The final input amount is 111,000 won

NOTE :Other things
Due to Corona virus infection-19 (COVID-19), the point based reward program may be canceled depending on the trend