The power of YU’s Chunmain shines even in the United States! N
No.8203967- Writer PR team
- Date : 2023.11.02 17:08
- Publication Date : 2023.10.25
- Views : 10671
The 9th Annual General Meeting of American General Alumni Association was held in Los Angeles, USA from the 14th to the 16th.
$5,000 of alma mater's development fund and $4,000 of scholarships to alumni studying abroad in the US
The 10th regular general meeting will be held in Chicago, USA in 2025
[October 25, 2023]
<Group Photo of 9th Annual General Meeting of YU’s American General Alumni Association>
YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) confirmed its strong alumni power in the USA.
Yu’s American General Alumni Association (Chairman JEON Heung-won, Student ID 58, College of Pharmacy) held 9th regular general meeting at Pacific Palms Resort in Los Angeles, USA from October 14 to 16, local time.
LEE Don (Student ID 73, Architecture), who served as the first chairman of YU’s American General Alumni Association and is the representative director of Active USA Inc. takes in charge of Preparation Chairperson of the regular general meeting and more than 150 YU alumni working in whole areas of the USA including JEON Heung-won (8th Chairman of YU’s American General Alumni Association, Student ID of Pharmacy), PARK Chang-ho (Chairman of Chicago Alumni Association, Student ID 75 of Electricity), OH Jeong-ho (Chairman of Toronto Alumni Association, Student ID 64, Textiles), and SHIN Min-ho (Chairman of San Francisco Alumni Association, Student ID 73, Physical Education) participated. President CHOI Oe-chool and Special Vice-President HEO Chang-deok also participated in the regular general meeting and President CHOI Oe-chool explained main performances of YU and requested continuous interest and support of the alumni through his special lecture on “YU's 76 Years of Status, Opportunities, and Challenges.”
<President CHOI Oe-chool gave a special lecture on “YU's 76 Years of Status, Opportunities, and Challenges” at the regular general meeting of American General Alumni Association>
Especially, at this regular general meeting, American General Alumni Association donated $5,000 as alma mater's development fund.Also, $4,000 of scholarship was awarded to two juniors studying in the USA.At the scholarship award ceremony on this day, KIM Tae-ik (35), who graduated from the Department of Psychology in February 2013 and is currently in the doctoral program in psychology at the University of Missouri Columbia, and YOON Jeong-won (35), who graduated from the Department of Chemical Engineering in February 2022 and is currently enrolled in the doctoral course of in chemical and biomolecular engineering at Ohio State University received $2,000 of scholarship of $2,000, respectively.
At the regular general meeting, alumnus LEE Don, who served as Preparation Chairman, was elected as the 9th president.New Chairman LEE Don said, “I am proud that many active alumni from all over the Americas gathered at the regular general meeting held six years after the pandemic and can feel the power of YU’s alumni again. Next year will be the 77th anniversary of the school’s opening. North American alumni will lead construction of a statue of former President PARK Chung-hee, the founder of the university and the person who achieved the Miracle on the Han River, on the campus of our alma mater.”
YU’s American General Alumni Association held its inaugural general meeting in LA in October 2002 and ten regional alumni associations work in the America including Chicago, New York, Washington, San Francisco, Dallas, Vancouver, and Toronto. The regular general meeting, which has been held every two years, was held six years after the 8th regular general meeting in 2017 due to COVID-19 and the 10th regular general meeting will be held in Chicago, USA in 2025.
<President CHOI Oe-chool gave a special lecture at the 2023 Gyeongsangbuk-do North America Economic Forum on “Measures to pioneer new markets using Korea’s experience.”>
Meanwhile, President CHOI Oe-chool, who visited the USA to attend the regular general meeting, attended “21st World Korean Business Convention” held at the Anaheim Convention Center before attending the general meeting. President CHOI attended “2023 Gyeongsangbuk-do North America Economic Forum” hosted by Gyeongsangbuk-do during the conference schedule and gave a special lecture on “Measures to pioneer new markets using Korea’s experience” to over 300 people, including Gyeongsangbuk-do Governor LEE Cheol-woo, KIM Young-wan Los Angeles Consul General, Dave Min California Senator, key attendees of the World Korean Business Convention, and Korean-American businesspeople. President CHOI Oe-chool said, “The pioneering spirit and challenging spirit of Korean compatriots, including YU alumni in the America, are the driving force that made Korea an advanced country today. High-ranking officials from Indonesia and Cambodia recently visited YU and requested transmission of Saemaul Studies and leaders from developing countries have visited YU, showing that the demand for Saemaul Studies and Saemaul Undong is being increased by international communities.YU, which has academically translated Korea’s development experience from a least developed country to a developed country and the Saemaul Undong, will continue its role and efforts at the university level to promote economic development and overcome poverty in developing countries.”
<In May, President CHOI Oe-chool gave a special lecture on “Globalization of Saemaul Undong to develop new markets” to over 250 CEOs invited by Korea International Trade Association.>
This is not the first time that President CHOI Oe-chool met businesspeople. In May, President CHOI Oe-chool gave a special lecture on “Globalization of the Saemaul Undong to develop new markets” to over 250 CEOs and officials invited by Korea International Trade Association and received great response from them on the theme that YU will serve as a stepping stone in expanding Korea's economic territory.